My Philosophy

you matter
Regardless of what path you've taken in finding your way to the here and now. YOU MATTER. To feel healthy of mind, body, and spirt is your birthright. Our work together will honor the need of your individual self study and compassion. Eventually your increased clarity and self concept will improve all interpersonal relations - including your most important relationship with yourself.
pain is a great teacher
In order to learn we need to listen. We've been so conditioned into believing that uncomfortable emotions are bad that many of us have learned to ignore and suppress that which needs to be experienced. Pain shows up to teach us lessons. Perhaps it is a reminder to take action to change how we live, or, to stop action in one direction and move in another. Or maybe our ability to face our pain is a way to reconnect with our resilience as we continue to carve out a better pathway.
The lotus flower that you see throughout this site is symbol for self-awareness, patience, and our ability to rise out of the pain.
we have the power to change and heal
We are all a work in progress, myself included. Regardless of where're your at on your life path, your possibilities to heal and create are infinite. As long as we are walking the earth we are taking in information and continuing to write the story of our lives. Each day we awake with opportunity to try again. Let's work together in writing your story of healing and transformation.